

We are excited to introduce a new and completely re-imagined version of our popular HookSelect software program.  This version runs in the cloud with no software to install, and is compatible with your PC, mac, tablet or smartphone. HookSelect has features and tools you need to build a better list…faster. If you have used HookSelect 6.0, we worked hard to make moving to the new platform easy and painless. Click here to register for an online account.

You can also call us at 404-835-0205 and we’ll give you an overview of the program and help move any old song lists into the software so you can adjust them vs. start from scratch.

A new feature of the program is that it integrates the hooks into the application. If you’re not sure which version to test, each song has a play button so you can click on and hear the standard hook.  If you want to hear your own ‘custom’ hook, we can customize your individual login so you can hear those hooks instead of the standard choice.  Those hooks can be converted to links for testing online.

Excel Files & Scheduling Software Integration

HookSelect lets you import CSV (comma separated value) files directly into our software and works to match the songs with our library. You can then use these lists to build the selections for your test or project.  MusicMaster has built a specific “export” function into their software so you can easily import your song categories into our software with a few clicks.  If you are a Selector client – we can easily take your browse list and import it for you.  If you’d like to just send us an Excel file…you can do that as well.

Favorite Songs

A new features in HookSelect is Favorite Songs.  Let’s say you hear a song on your competitor’s station and want to make a note to test it in your next project?  HookSelect lets you mark songs as favorite even when you’re mobile. Using the smart phone ‘mobile’ optimized version or the full program, you can mark a song as ‘favorite’ and access these songs at a later time when ready to build your list. Just another way to Build a Better List…Faster.


If you’re a consultant and need help to jog your memory on a song or you are working on a list for your client, you can use HookSelect to play any hook in our catalog. You simply search by artist or title and stream the hook.  Click here to sign up.
